Beyond my formal education,

I’m always exploring new trends and techniques in the creative world—

whether that’s experimenting with design tools, diving into creative projects or collaborating on innovative projects.

Student Representative

As a student representative, I act as a voice for my peers, communicating their feedback and concerns to faculty and working to improve the student experience. My role involves attending meetings, collaborating with staff and helping to create a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Social Media Assisstant

In my second year at University, I managed and directed social media for The University of Manchester’s fashion Instagram and TikTok, for the graduate showcase.

PASS Leader

Co-ordinated weekly Peer Assisted Support Sessions (PASS), during second year at University, for first-year students. In these sessions I provided help and advice to support first year students with university life. I attended weekly debriefs where all PASS leaders reflect on sessions and plan for the next week’s session.

‘The PASS scheme offers study support led by students further into their degrees to first year students.’


Chalkboard design

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to design and hand-draw chalkboards and signage for the pubs I’ve worked at. From bold lettering to intricate illustrations, I’ve crafted eye-catching boards that not only showcase specials but also add personality to each space.

This hands-on experience has given me an understanding of visual communication, layout design and how to capture attention in a fast-paced, customer-facing environment. I thoroughly enjoyed creating these works.

ProCreate work

I created this poster on ProCreate of famous UK rapper, Dave. I was inspired by a similar piece I saw on Etsy and deceided to create my own for a friend’s birthday present. This has advanced my skills on ProCreate.

I also run the TikTok for my own vintage reselling depop account!